About the Registry of .gr and .ελ domain names

The Registry of .gr and .ελ Domain Names, a department of the Institute of Computer Science, of the Foundation for Research & Technology Hellas , is responsible for the operation and technical coordination of the .gr and .ελ top-level domain name spaces. This role has been assigned to the Registry by the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) .

FORTH-ICS registered and started operating the .gr Top Level Domain in 1989, and has employed its experience to create since 2004 an infrastructure which implements the schema Registry - Registrar - User for domain name registrations. For this implementation, a widely used protocol in Registry applications has been chosen, called Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP). EPP is is an open protocol approved by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) . Usage of this EPP protocol allows the connection of registrars with the Registry, through applications supplied by the Registry as well as through applications developed by the registrars to better serve their registrants.

The Registry of .gr and .ελ domain names, has implemented a Quality System which has been certified according to the ISO-9001 requirements since December of 2008.
Following the need of increased security the Registry implemented an Information Security Management System (ISMS) which has been certified consequently according to ISO-27001:2013 standard, since September 2014, proving this way our dedication to high quality and continuously improved level of services.